The Interface Between Humanity and the Universe v3.0

Curated by: Ziyang Wu

The exhibition “The Interface Between Humanity and the Universe” is the confluence of nature, technology, and human creativity. 追本溯源 Going back to the roots (curiosity), 钜细靡遗 leaving no detail unexamined (observational skills), and 无所顾忌 having no inhibitions (imagination) — the works of 17 artists (or groups) from around the world allow us to revel in the confluence of technology and the humanities amid the ever-shifting dizziness of existence. Ethics, morality, reflection, reverence, restlessness, yearning, and the lightness or heaviness of things in life that cannot be borne — the audience will also step into the intersecting realm of humans and machines through virtual reality and multi-channel real-time simulations. They will connect with broader perspectives of communication, co-create a future world, and pay homage to the initial version of "The Interface Between Humanity and the Universe" — Leonardo da Vinci and his Vitruvian Man, the Leicester Codex, and The Last Supper.

“The Interface Between Humanity and the Universe” is part of "Inviting Leonardo da Vinci to the 21st Century" the 7th Intermedia Art Festival of the School of Intermedia Art (SIMA), China Academy of Art (CAA)

October 28, 2023 - November 13, 2023
China Academy of Art
Zhangjiang Science Hall
Shanghai, China


Suzanne Anker, Jeremy Bailey, Andrew Demirjian, Keiken, Kinlaw, Xin Liu, Jeroen van Loon, Jonathan Monaghan, Mark Ramos & Ziyang Wu, Tabita Rezaire, Sarah Rothberg, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, ZZYW


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