The Butterfly in the Brain

Curated by: Universal Concepts Unlimited

The Butterfly in the Brain refers to MRI brain scans and Rorschach tests as devices explicating brain morphology and psychologically driven projective techniques. In this body of work, Anker makes use of a variety of mediums such as screen printing, sculpture, video, and installation. By superimposing images of butterflies on MRI brain scans, the artist explores the ways in which human perception relies on figure/ground relationships. Her Rorschach series (2004-2005) also utilizes scientific imagery as source material. In this body of work, the artist employs computer-generated 3D modeling and printing processes[64] to produce symmetrical sculptures that resemble the tests created by Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach.

Universal Concepts Unlimited
New York, NY, US


Golden Boy


Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen