Bio-Blurbs: Digital Photography 2004-2007

Curated by: Deborah Colton Gallery, Houston, Texas in conjunction with FotoFest

Bio-Blurbs is the collective title of a sampling of several individual suites of digital photographs taken by Suzanne Anker from 2004-2007.Traversing the laboratory, the garden, a medical museum and a marketplace in Shanghai, China, this series of work draws on the transformation of matter through scientific investigation, botanical inquiry, and knowledge production discourses. As usual, Anker’s work explores life/death continuums through various forms of life and in differing cultural contexts.The universal nomenclature of the scientific laboratory is contrasted with the subjectivity of living or once-living matter housed as specimens, species or even raw materials. Employing “straight” photography in some works and digital overlays in others, Ms. Anker’s photographic suites are indicative of the broad range of her visual experience within a variety of the plastic arts. As a seminal figure in America’s “sci/art”movement , Anker’s work continues to probe the ways in which the intersection between science and art expands the way we see and know the world. In these works, the viewer is at once struck by their sensual and conceptual appeal, as color vibrates, light and form vaporize and the clinical transgresses into a narrative poeisis. Of particular interest are her photographs of a rebirthing seed bank for endangered coral at research station in the Florida Keys. This collective project which began in 2004 will continue this year as part of her lecturing tour to Dundee, Prague, Berlin, Seoul, Tokyo, and Florence.

March 7th – April 19th, 2008
Deborah Colton Gallery
Houston, TX, US


The Glass Veil


Golden Boy